Red Hat Certified Specialist in Advanced Automation:Ansible Best Practices exam EX447

You should be able to accomplish the following grouped tasks without assistance:

Understand and use Git

  • Clone a Git repository
  • Update, modify and create files in a Git repository
  • Add those modified files back into the Git repository

Manage inventory variables

  • Structure host and group variables using multiple files per host or group
  • Use special variables to override the host, port, or remote user Ansible uses for a specific host
  • Set up directories containing multiple host variable files for some of your managed hosts
  • Override the name used in the inventory file with a different name or IP address

Manage task execution

  • Control privilege execution
  • Run selected tasks

Transform data with filters and plugins

  • Populate variables with data from external sources using lookup plugins
  • Use lookup and query functions to template data from external sources into playbooks and deployed template files
  • Implement loops using structures other than simple lists using lookup plugins and filters
  • Inspect, validate, and manipulate variables containing networking information with filters

Delegate tasks

  • Run a task for a managed host on a different host, then control whether facts gathered by that task are delegated to the managed host or the other host

Install Ansible Tower

  • Perform basic configuration of Ansible Tower after configuration

Manage access for Ansible Tower

  • Create Ansible Tower users and teams and make associations of one to the other

Manage inventories and credentials

  • Manage advanced inventories
  • Create a dynamic inventory from an identity management server or a database server
  • Create machine credentials to access inventory hosts
  • Create a source control credential

Manage projects

  • Create a job template

Manage job workflows

  • Create a job workflow template

Work with the Ansible Tower API

  • Write an API scriptlet to launch a job

Back up Ansible Tower

  • Back up an instance of Ansible Tower