C Programming

C Programming is one of the oldest programming languages around and despite the prevalence of higher-level languages, it continues to empower the world. C is a general-purpose language, ideal for building mostly state-of-the-art system applications like OS kernels, databases, embedded systems, and graphics packages that are used by billions around the world.

The Star C Programming course introduces the learners to C programming language, which is a starting level for getting into programming. It starts from programming basics and gives a holistic view of the C Programming language, detailing all the aspects of the C language from data types, to operators and expressions, to if statements, further to loops, arrays, strings and pointers. The course also provides hands-on training to help you write and test your coding skill, and prepare you for real-life application.


  • Beginner to Intermediate

C Programming Course Objectives

In this course, you will learn about:

  • Programming basics and the fundamentals of C
  • Data types in C
  • Mathematical and logical operations
  • Using if statement and loops
  • Arranging data in arrays
  • Implementing pointers
  • File management and dynamic memory allocation

Course Outcome

After competing this course, you will be able to:

  • Develop a C program
  • Control the sequence of the program and give logical outputs
  • Implement strings in your C program
  • Store different data types in the same memory
  • Manage I/O operations in your C program
  • Repeat the sequence of instructions and points for a memory location
  • Apply code reusability with functions and pointers
  • Understand the basics of file handling mechanisms
  • Explain the uses of pre-processors and various memory models

Table of Contents outline

  • Fundamentals of Programming
  • Exploring C Programming
  • Classifying Data using Data types in C Programming
  • Managing Input and Output Operations.
  • Performing Mathematical and Logical functions: Operators and Expressions
  • Controlling the Program Order: Decision Making
  • Repeating Sequence of Instructions: Loops
  • Arranging the Same Data Systematically: Arrays
  • Characters Arrays
  • Group of Statements: Functions
  • Storing Different Data Types in Same Memory: Structures and Unions
  • Pointing to a Location: Pointers
  • File Management in C
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation and Linked List
  • Non-Executable Special Lines: Pre-processor Directives
  • C IDEs and Basic Guidelines
  • Labs